slonce rozswiecilo chmury klebiace sie biela nad nami
i milosc Twoja serce mi zalewa tak slodko
jak ta biel chmur klebiacych sie blaskiem w oczy swietliscie
kochanie sie z Toba moim oddechem i zyciem
the sun shined upon the clouds circulating with white above us
and love Yours floods my heart so sweetly
like that whiteness of the circulating clouds with shine into eyes lightening
lovemake with You is my breath and life
i milosc Twoja serce mi zalewa tak slodko
jak ta biel chmur klebiacych sie blaskiem w oczy swietliscie
kochanie sie z Toba moim oddechem i zyciem
the sun shined upon the clouds circulating with white above us
and love Yours floods my heart so sweetly
like that whiteness of the circulating clouds with shine into eyes lightening
lovemake with You is my breath and life