my wife Annie kissing me
while turtledoves flapping with their wings
we eternally united with each other
in love make hot
in a morning weather my wife Annie kissing me while turtledoves flapping with their wings we eternally united with each other in love make hot
the sweetest wife that I have
helds my thoughts in her heart the light of the sky changes minute to minute dripples of rain on pavement you kiss me we pray together with every heartbeat and world opens like sipped ambrosium from your mouth you kiss me rain stopped yet wet way walking with you Annie everyday
hand in hand you hold me chill of the air and fresh rain we kiss each other limitlessly Moja zona kochana nasze usciski tulone
w zakamarkach naszych ramion jak golabki pospieszne kochajace sie za soba gdy calowan wiele chmury rozwiewa i my i one okruszkow slodkich chwytanych ustami naszych piersi rozkosze wszelkie i dziobki chwytliwe i lebki zza framugi skrzydelkami trzepoczacymi przysiadajace niezmierne i wieczne nasze kochanie i swiatlo z nieba bezkresem ziemi okraglej i usta Twoje milosci moja namietna zono moja wieczna przysiego ze mna My wife beloved our cuddlings embraced in clefts of our arms as turtledoves hurried lovemaking together when kissings plenty disperses the clouds and we and they crumbles sweet caught with mouth of our breasts delights all and little beaks catching and little heads from behind window seal with little wings flapping sitting limittless and eternal our lovemake and light from sky with neverending circle earth and mouth yours love my passionate my wife my swear with me you are with us and in myriads of stars
here your home our heartbeat feelings and eyes see you every time we only touch your hands seasons dress the trees and bushes and you wear heavenly clothes when we encounter you blue jeans and red shirt we touch your feet with ours we play and dance in every heartbeat revealed your Persona
and gentle touching of your breasts in lovemake quick revealed land of peace and ardent fever of the hungry body trees without leaves from the close view and walk your face so tender kissing eyes loving me when we hold our love in arms embracing birds flying from our chest reading about Futurism and October revolution I think about you
and pages flipped under fingers reveal some poetry I feel your mouth so fleshy and warm we sat around the round table sipping beer I feel an orgasm and heartbeat calm we lay together and I hold you my wife weaves her fingers in my hair
and caresses me all the time we are together her breast honeycomb we feed the birds and kiss when sun has longer rays these days |
AuthorI walk through streets of London everyday seeking for love. It is all an artistic creation. Archives
January 2016
CategoriesCopyright@of belongs to Annie Lennox Fic, Agat Lennox Fic, Tali Lennox-Fic, Lola Lennox-Fic, Daniel Lennox Fic. All rights reserved. None of the content can be used without permission.