Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck
kissing You is so beautiful
mysteries get revealed in my heart and you voice is calming me and puts altogether puts fire in my heart moje najkochansze slodkie usta Twoje
nektary slonca wirowania upojne rosnace rozlicznymi roslinami morz i ladow wiatrami i deszczem na Twarzy Twojej calowanym my the most loved sweet mouth of Yours ambrosia suns circulating delicious growing with multitude of plants of the seas and lands with winds and rains on Your face kissed pieszczenia rozkoszne i szczebioty serca Twego
w moich uszach dzwiecza nieskonczenie a milosc Twoja rozbrzmiewa Twoim glosem w moich ustach orgazmicznie pettings delightful and chatters of Your heart in my ears are resounding eternally and Your love resounds with Your voice in my mouth orgasm watching Malewich with You
the feelings of mysterious drawings and personas filling the charts when I hold Your hand close to me in the chapel of Matisse You blown out my heart with Your feelings for me
and clatter of waves whispers loudly Your name when we lovemake hightened feelings and You touch me so gently drinking water I love your lips kissing them
so long and loving so intense passion of Your intensity walking through the galleries of Matisses works
I had got engaged to you eternally being your wife and merciful kindness of God that You are embraced me morskimi falami obmywane stopy Twoje ktore caluje
bezustannie w milosnym oddaniu tak bezglosne huki fal odleglych krain blisko o skaly rozpryskuje swoje piany a Twoje stopy moim orgazmem na wieki cialo Twoje kochane i Twoje bicie serca by sea waves washed Your feet that I kiss continuously in loving passion such soundless thunder lights of waves of far lands closely about rocks splashing their foams and Your feet are my orgasm eternally Your body loving and Your heart beat moje najpiekniejsze stworzenie swiatow Twoich oczu
stworzenie swiatow serca Twego w milosci zeby znalezieniem rytmow i tych splotow ramion kochania objec tak bezgranicznych my the most beautiful creation of the worlds of Your eyes creation of the worlds of Your heart in love that finding of rhythms and those ties of Your arms loving holdings so limitless |
AuthorI walk through streets of London everyday seeking for love. It is all an artistic creation. Archives
January 2016
CategoriesCopyright@of www.agatficfinearts.com belongs to Annie Lennox Fic, Agat Lennox Fic, Tali Lennox-Fic, Lola Lennox-Fic, Daniel Lennox Fic. All rights reserved. None of the content can be used without permission.