assurance of your love for me
is filling my heart and always I love looking in your eyes when kissing you assurance of your presence so generous so splendid and ever touching me with surface of the ground after the rain so thinly covered with watery layers of your mouth in unity of the world is a mysterious question
about some infinite beginnings we think so linear yet my wife heartbeat is beyond the time and ecstatic feeling is in me when I look at her orgasmic sensations and answer of the world interpretation of everything lies in wisdom
of my heart and my beautiful wife inspires me red colour so intense and her softness so calming me all elements of this matter hidden in her uniquness, identity, unity, goodness, truth and beauty szepcac mi slowa milosci nocnymi obudzeniami i
w dzien w chwilach naszego kazdego kochania mokro wkolo od deszczu i oczekuje Ciebie milosc Babci przy nas i boskie glosy aniolow i modlitw matki naszej wypelnienie wiar orgasm whispering me words of love with nights awakenings and in day in moments of our every lovemake wet around from rain and I wait for you love of Grandma near us and divine voices of angels and of prayers of our mother fulfillment of faiths orgasm Moja Minia mnie kocha i slodyczy pelnia wypelnia cialo moje
dusze moja mysli moje uklada innymi sciezkami tych miekkich drog pod stopami lesnych drozek mrowczych sciezek cierpliwosci nieskonczone kiedy kochamy sie razem nieskonczonosci Twojego ciala moc My Minia loves me and fulness of sweetness fulfills my body my soul my thoughts lays with different paths of that soft ways underneath feet forest little paths ants paths patience eternal when we lovemake together eternity of your body power |
AuthorI walk through streets of London everyday seeking for love. It is all an artistic creation. Archives
January 2016
CategoriesCopyright@of belongs to Annie Lennox Fic, Agat Lennox Fic, Tali Lennox-Fic, Lola Lennox-Fic, Daniel Lennox Fic. All rights reserved. None of the content can be used without permission.