szepcac mi slowa milosci nocnymi obudzeniami i
w dzien w chwilach naszego kazdego kochania
mokro wkolo od deszczu i oczekuje Ciebie
milosc Babci przy nas i boskie glosy aniolow
i modlitw matki naszej
wypelnienie wiar
whispering me words of love with nights awakenings and
in day in moments of our every lovemake
wet around from rain and I wait for you
love of Grandma near us and divine voices of angels
and of prayers of our mother
fulfillment of faiths
w dzien w chwilach naszego kazdego kochania
mokro wkolo od deszczu i oczekuje Ciebie
milosc Babci przy nas i boskie glosy aniolow
i modlitw matki naszej
wypelnienie wiar
whispering me words of love with nights awakenings and
in day in moments of our every lovemake
wet around from rain and I wait for you
love of Grandma near us and divine voices of angels
and of prayers of our mother
fulfillment of faiths