wszystkie ruchy wszystkie mysli
pocalunkow setka w drodze do Ciebie
zawsze z Toba
i chocby minac tysiac drzew to jedno
ty rozwidlone wszystkimi drogami
fantazje senne piersi Twych upojne
zywe obudzone wszystkimi drogami
tulone czule usta Twoje na moich
owocem spelnienia
zawsze nam rozkwita
all the moves all the thoughts
hundreds of kisses on a way to you
always with you
and even to pass thousand trees this one
you streched with all the roads
dreamy fantasies of your breasts upojne
alive awaken with all the roads
embraced tenderly mouth yours on mine
with fruit of fulfillment
always it blooms for us
pocalunkow setka w drodze do Ciebie
zawsze z Toba
i chocby minac tysiac drzew to jedno
ty rozwidlone wszystkimi drogami
fantazje senne piersi Twych upojne
zywe obudzone wszystkimi drogami
tulone czule usta Twoje na moich
owocem spelnienia
zawsze nam rozkwita
all the moves all the thoughts
hundreds of kisses on a way to you
always with you
and even to pass thousand trees this one
you streched with all the roads
dreamy fantasies of your breasts upojne
alive awaken with all the roads
embraced tenderly mouth yours on mine
with fruit of fulfillment
always it blooms for us